Factors Responsible For The Gap Between Computer Literate And Computer Illiterate Members Of CRUTECH Community.

November 23, 2016









OCTOBER, 2016.


NARROW-DOWN: The gap between the computer literate and the
computer illiterate.

FURTHER NARROW-DOWN: Factors responsible for the gap between
computer literate and computer illiterate, members of CRUTECH

       Several factors overtime have affected the gap between the computer literate and the computer illiterate, using members of CRUTECH community as case study.

Working bibliography

Aniedi I.J, Franca A.I, Joseph E.O.(2010).ICT competence among academic staff in    
      Universities in Cross River State: Cross River, Calabar: Francis Group CRS Press.

Archibong I.A, Effiom D.O.(2009).ICT in University education. usage and challenges
      among academic staff. Ibadan: African Research Review.

Ashcroft L, Watts C.(2005).ICT skills for information professional in developing countries.
       New Jersey: Journal or research on computing in universities.

Banfi I.(2004). ICT and the emerging paradigm for a lifelong learning. Amsterdam:

Furst J.(2005).An analysis of required computer competencies for University student
      Journal of research on Computing in education. Liverpool: University of Liverpool
      Publishing crew.

Gorretti E.M.(2013).Influence of computer literacy and subject background on use of
       electronic resources by undergraduate student in Universities in Nigeria.
       International Journal of library of science.  


1.0               Introduction
1.1              Conceptual  definition of the term COMPUTER KNOWELEGE
1.1.1                   Computer literacy
1.1.2                   Computer illiteracy
1.1.3                   I.C.T
1.1.4                   I.C.T in Nigeria Universities
2.0              I.C.T in CRUTECH community
3.0              Functions of computer knowledge in CRUTECH
4.0              Impact of I.C.T in CRUTECH
4.1              Advantages of I.C.T in CRUTECH
4.2              Disadvantages of I.C.T in CRUTECH
5.0              Conclusion and Recommendation
       5.1       Summary
       5.2       Conclusion
       5.3        Recommendation


                 The increase use of computer by students and academics alike is an important measure of technological development in academic environment by this measure, a gap is created between those students that know how to make use of the computer and those that barely or don’t know anything about computer knowledge. What I am taking about is that the use of computer is now dominant in all areas of human endeavors more especially in academic institutions. And yet, not all students are carried along, some are left behind due to one reason or the other.
                       Computer literacy is critical to student success in Universities. Its no less significant as reading, writing and calculus were in the 19th and 20th century. Like reading, computer literacy is increasingly widely addressed in research around the world as well as in CRUTECH. However, despite some significant research contributions in the area, so far little attention has been given to yhe impact of personally traits on the computer literacy and its level.
                            The lack of both empirical studies and theoretical works, which analyze computer literacy and psychological factors affecting its level at the higher institution, is evident.
                              The article deals with the gap between  the computer knowledge of the computer literate and computer illiterate in the CRUTECH community, comparing the both sides to find out their impact, differences, and great affecting factors.
1.1 Conceptual definition of the term: COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE

                         Computer  knowledge is the ability to use computer to perform a variety of task. It is also refer to the comfort level someone has with using computer programs and other applications associated with the computer system.
                           The concept of computer literacy or knowledge is best explained as the ability to make use of the computer system to word process documents, analyze data, develop computer programmes, browse the internet and install software (idown 2004). Mltra(2008) perceive computer knowledge as the amount of computer learned skills required and the length computer usage.
                               Computer knowledge covers a broad spectrum of both hardware and software solutions that enable organizations to gather organize and analyze data that will help achieve goals.
                                 Its  widely defined term that has several meanings across different sectors. Though, essentially it is used as an umbrella term to refers to the use of communication devices such as radio and cellular devices, satellite devices and channels, computers, amongst others. To manage information one needs to know or learn computer technologies.

1.1.1  Computer literacy

                        The term literacy can be defined as the ability to read or understanding of something, having knowledge in a particular thing or topic.
                            Computer literacy is the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently.
                               In Nigeria today, computer technology has become so important that students who do not have access to computers and internet are likely to get further behind their peers who did have such access. It must be noted that many Universities which examinations are conducted using the computer technology. The National open University which was opened to cater for those who could not get direct admission in the regular Universities now write their examinations using the computer, most Universities have also adopted the use of the computer  in conducting examination for  the post unified matriculation examination. For example, one of those Universities is CRUTECH , Cross River University of Technology.
                                   So, it becomes imperative that student should be computer literate with digital knowledge competencies to be able to function effectively in the changing world of today.
                                     That is to say that computer literacy is of essence for every CRUTECH STUDENT or any University student who wants to excel in almost all or every level of education in this 21th century.

1.1.2  Computer Illiteracy
           The concept of computer literacy can be said as the inability to properly make use of computer system or application or devices.
             Despite the fact that the world is fast becoming digital, they are yet still some people are still left behind in the fast movement of the world due to one or more factors affecting them.
            Increasingly some student fall under this group of person. According to the study, 10 percent of the sample which undergo some experiment was found to be computer literate while a swelling 90 percent were not literate in the use of computer many student lacked a functional computer literacy foundation upon which to build new technology and skills.
              Furthermore, the study revealed the gender, academic experience and secondary school had a significant relationship with familiarity to computer technology in CRUTECH community as case of study. More specifically, more male students than female students were found to be familiar with some types of computer technologies.
              This is more so because, in a study carried out by Hepworth(1999), students in some developing countries had been found to have limited skill in the area of information literacy and skill.

1.1.3    I.C.T
                          Information and communication technology (ICT) encompasses the effective use of equipment and program to access, retrieve, convert, store, organize, manipulate and present data and information. Thus, computer is one of the most predominant ICT tools that greatly perform these functions and plays critical role in the life of students.
                            Therefore, computer is an electronic device that can follow instructions to accept data as input process the data and produce information as output (Unagha, 2008). It’s also an electronic device that accepts data as input, process and manipulates data to produce meaningful result as an output. The most prominent among the information technologies is the computer which functions as an embracing mechanism and also an effective electronic device that is capable of accepting, storing retrieving and processing data based on predefined instructions (Owoyemi, 2001).
                                 Today, it performs manipulation of non-mathematical nature such as sorting, inter-filling searching, deleting, updating, designing, reproducing and printing. These non-mathematical operation of the computer are the ones most required by libraries and information centers (Imermba, 2005). The computer is the primary tool with which this change can be affected. Electronic mail, computer based testing, computer aided instruction, digital textbooks and images along with valuable resources on the internet are now essential  to learning and coping tools for students.

1.1.4I.C.T in Nigeria Universities

                     The extent to which electronic resources are utilized by undergraduate students will depend largely on some factors pertaining to the users, especially computer literacy and subject background. Therefore, the study investigated in the influence computer literacy and subject background on the use of electronic resources by undergraduate students in CRUTECH community
                     The survey research design was to look and investigate to know the gap between the computer literate and the computer illiterate and the factors behind it.
                         The survey research design was also to examine ICT competence and challenges to ICT usage among academic students in CRUTECH community but here, I am going to broaden the topic  more by including  Nigeria universities in general the results show that majority at public cyber cafe are own by students which implies that a number of student have laptops access to internet was mainly at public cyber cafĂ© majority (53.3%) rated their ICT competence as low. Inadequate ICT facilities, excess work load and funding were identified as major challenges to ICT usage among academic students in the Nigerian universities.
                                  Integrating ICT culture into educational institution is a change which ringle and updegrove (1998) advised that the approach should be carried out by incorporating the socio-economic and pragmatic or technical dimension. This is so because studies in the management of change and innovation (fullam1993) have shown that the process of change is a complex one.
                                   If ICT can be more greatly accepted and taught well to impact all Nigerian universities, Nigeria will definitely be a changed nation and rich through ICT economic impartation.

2.0  I.C.T in CRUTECH community

                    ICT in Cross River university of technology community is a needed tool for modern-day educational institutions especially at the tertiary educational level.
                    ICT development programme among students in CRUTECH is faced by numbers of obstacles. prominent among them is the lack of training opportunities for students. Acquiring ICT  technical know-how is just the first level, beyond which many training programmes . gulbahor (2008) in his study found that although per-service teacher are willing to use technology but this rarely occurred because of the inadequacy of lesson to facilitate them with necessary skills to be technology competent.
                  For a successful implementation of ICT programmes in CRUTECH
·        Provision of training on baseline technical skill for students.
·        Provision of good technology infrastructure including computer access and network connectivity for students.
·        Challenging teacher education institution to integrate ICT into their teacher education programmes.
·        Establishment of centers for learning technology in student education institutions to support the system integration of ICT for education purpose.
·        Stimulation, socialization and funding of projects on ICT for education purpose.

3.0  Functions of computer knowledge in CRUTECH 

·        It is generally believed that ICT can be empower teachers and learners, promote change and learner, promote change and foster the development of 21st century skills, but data to support these beliefs are still limited.
·        ICTs are very rarely seen as central to the overall learning process.
·        An enduring problem: putting technology before education is one of the enduring difficulties of technology use in education is that educational planners and technology advocates think of the technology first and then investing the educational applications of this technology only later.

4.0   Impacts of ICT in CRUTECH

  1. The positive impact of ICT use in education has not been proven in general and despite thousands of impact studies, the impact of ICT use on student achievement remains difficult to measure and open to much reasonable debate.
  2. Positive impact more likely when linked to pedagogy: it is believed that specific uses of ICT can have positive effects on student achievement when ICTs are used appropriately to complement a teacher’s existing pedagogical philosophies
  3.  Computer aided instruction has been seen to slightly improve student performance on multiple choice, standardized testing in some areas.
  4.   Need for great goals: ICTs are seen to be less effective (or ineffective) when the goals for their use are not clear
  5. There is an important tension between traditional versus ‘new’ pedagogies and standardized testing.
  6. ICTs are used differently in different subjects
  7. Access outside of school affects impact
  8. CRUTECH students if asked, believe that ICTs make a positive difference
  9.  ICTs can promote learner autonomy.

      Overall, the report concluded that ICTs could improve the situation, reinforcing positive effects in the environment or there could worsen the situation. This suggests that environmental policies have to be designed to ensure that ICT applications make a beneficial contribution to environmental  rebound effects.

4.1  Advantages of ICT in CRUTECH

  1. Improve business performance, productivity and profitability through improved system performance, availability and security.
  2.   Reduce administrative and back-office operational cost though the convergence of voice, data and video over IP
  3.   Enable and improve the quality, quantity and access services from any location by allowing remote access, monitoring and management of systems and applications.
  4.   Improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and service through the safe and secure deployment of customer facing solutions.
  5.   Enhance collaboration and networking among employees, customers and partners by removing the barriers to real-time communication and effective information sharing.
  6.  Ensure enterprise security and compliance more efficient at less cost.
  7.   Enable the mobile workforce.
  8. Improve work/life balance for students.

4.2  Disadvantages of ICT in CRUTECH

  1.  Insufficient of ICT equipment and high cost maintance of ICT equipment.
  2.  Can remote the attention from the main goal of the learning process to develop ICT skills, which may be a secondary goal in this process.
  3. ICT create a partition digital gap within the classroom where students are move familiar with ICT and will have more benefit will learn faster than others who are unfamiliar to the technology.
  4.  Reduces communication with student in CRUTECH  who have difficulties in using ICT.


5.1                Summary

As written above, the gap caused by ICT between the computer literate and the computer illiterate is quite vast by with recent advancement in technology and digital age is silently closing that gap, especially in the CRUTECH community.
5.2             Conclusion
          The influence of computer literacy in education promotes students performance in CRUTECH  community.
            In CRUTECH, many students consider ICT tools very helpful in that it helps them to do many of their academic work. Even though the computer illiterate tend to partake from some of these activities.
              From the findings of this research, it was concluded that ICT skill development undertaken by academic staff was mainly self-funded. Majority of the academic staff in this study rated ICT competence as low.

5.3              Recommendation
                     Based on the findings and the conclusions drawn this study, its hereby recommended that the university management should fund the ICT training of students of CRUTECH community. Furthermore, provision should be made for continuous retraining of staff on ICT since development in technology is dynamic and the staff need to keep abreast with current trends.
                Again, CRUTECH management should make training in ICT mandatory for all academic staff as this will propel the uninterested or unwilling ones to undertake the training.

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