November 21, 2016


Episode 13



It was a Sunday, lectures were going to start the following
day, and since I came to school, I had not gone to church,
two Sundays had passed already. My mum is a very devoted
Christian, thank God money is not the criteria for being a
deaconess in my church, she wouldn’t have had the chance.
She had taught me not to miss any Sunday service, as it is
written “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” My
mother had taught me to go to church 52 Sundays a year, 53
if possible, but what exactly was wrong with me, I couldn’t
figure out what was going on with me.
I decided to go to church, I talked Mayowa into going with
me and he agreed. So we decided to go to ‘Church of Christ’.
It was a popular church then, known for quick and short
services. The day ‘holy spirit takes control’, and they have to
stay longer than usual, that is when they use up to two
hours. Since most students do not like long services, this
church had so many members.
The service was meant to start by 10am and end latest by
12pm. Mayowa and I got to church around 10:30, as a
protocol member gently led us to our seat. The sitting was
strictly on a ‘sit as you come’ basis. It was a praise and
worship session, the lady leading was so blessed. As at the
time we entered, she was singing the song: “We give you all
the glory. . . We worship you our lord . . . you are worthy to
be praised. . . You are alpha, and omega”. The song really
touched me, as I lifted my hands to reference God as the
beginning and the end of my life.
There was a lady just there beside me with a pair of glasses
on, whose ‘part’ was very correct and loud. I know about
music, as I can play the keyboard, the drum set quite well,
and I can also sing. The lady caught my attention, she had a
pair of glasses on, and she lifted up both hands, singing
from the depth of her hearth. “Well, that shouldn’t distract
my worship.” I said to myself. I continued, as I was thinking
back on what God has done for me, success, provision, and
grace. All I could do was to thank him. It was time to dance, I
danced like there was no tomorrow, I was so happy to be in
the presence of God, I knew I had done what’s right.
Then the lady leading the praises said “hold a person beside
you and say (singing) we are going higher, we are going
higher. . . ” I held the lady with glasses I had been admiring
all the while. Well, she didn’t see any thing wrong with it as
we both sang the song.
The sermon came on, the pastor preached on the topic “he’s
able”. The pastor showed us the power of God, and the
ability of God to do all things for us, and through us. He
used Ephesians 3:20 as his anchor text. It was a wonderful
message. I can never forget it.
The pastor concluded the message, and the ‘first-timers’
were asked to stand up for recognition. Mayowa and i stood
up, and to my surprise, the lady beside me stood up too



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